About James

I’ve been working in the software industry for almost 20 years, and I’ve worked with a pile of different languages. I tend to stick to JavaScript/TypeScript, Java, Python and Swift, depending on what needs to be done.

My day job is a Chief Technology Officer at Over-C in Cork, Ireland. We built some of the most visually-appealing and intuitive software around workforce task management, with an impressive suite of products and technical stack to match.

I’ve just joined the AWS Community Builders program, so I’ll be focusing a lot on sharing content around Amplify/AppSync and serverless technology. I also help run CorkDev.io, a monthly local software developer meet-up.

A few years ago I created donate:code which gives developers and designers the opportunity to donate their skills, instead of money, to charities and businesses that need help.

Back in 2013 I published Beginning Backbone.js with Apress. JavaScript has come a long way since then, but if Backbone is your thing, the book still stands the test of time.

I also spent about ten years writing articles around mobile, Java and Eclipse on DZone. You can catch up on that archive here.